
phil harding MBE

Advocate for environmental sustainability & the green belt, writer & photographer

(voluntary, not-for-profit)

Phil is also Chairman of Saltford Environment Group, click on image :-

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Photography (link)

image + link

Coopersale Vicarage (link)

'Escaping the Holocaust' (link) photograph + link
The Brinkmann's Hamburg apartment, 1934

Quotes Corner (link)
- hundreds of quotes & quotations to inspire or help you think differently.

Click on subjects:-

Examples from Quotes Corner :-





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(Instagram Link)


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Contact Phil


Phil Harding is based in the South West of England and lives between the cities of Bristol and Bath.

Tel (UK office hours):   07814--720--763


PLEASE NOTE: Unsolicited emails concerning Search Engine Optimisation, website design, e-marketing, sponsored links, editorial content, app development, bespoke marketing materials, and digital image services will not receive a response to save your time and ours. This website does not seek such support. Thank you for your understanding.

You can find examples of Phil's photography on Instagram:-

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The owner and editor of this website respects the privacy of our visitors. The owner and/or editor does not use cookies to collect personal or other data about visitors to this website; the only data collected via the ISP's hosting service, and without the use of cookies, is the number of visits to each of our web pages but not who the individual visitors are.

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Website designed and built by © Phil Harding to W3C website and CSS standards.

"Beneficentia est sapientia"

Kindness is wisdom

 © Phil Harding 2010 - date. All material on this site is
 copyright Phil Harding or others where indicated.

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